Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Greetings and Welcome!

Welcome to my personal corner of the internet. For those of you who don't know me I'm Patch. A Boston based PUA from the Boston Lair. If you're interested in reading a pick-up related blog by a seduction master I'd like to point to you to the links section that I'll be growing to include many accomplished individuals. If you're looking for another perspective on all the beaten to death concepts in pickup, you've probably come to the wrong place.
My intentions with this space is fairly simple. Share original thoughts and unique perspectives on things where I feel it may add particular value. I don't intend this to be a self-indulgent exercise where I opine on things as if they are universal facts.
I intended to create an audio blog where I could just post and stream my thoughts for those to share because it would take too much time to write out all my thoughts. See, I'm not big on blogs. I think blogs are the new facebook/myspace page, which are the new aol homepage, which were the new "posters on your bedroom wall" in terms of the evolution of self expression. I prefer to share my words and time directly with friends whom I've chosen to include in my life. Then I read several of the Boston Lair members blogs and with the increased activity around the rising tide and emergence of several highly skilled pickup artists I saw this in a new light. I was inspired. I see this as an opportunity to share my views but also for myself to learn to communicate concisely enough that I can effectively communicate my points of view through this medium. You see, I'm wordy. As more than a few girls in bars from Boston to CT and back can attest. LOL... So here I am.
The short version of my background is that I've been involved in pickup and self-growth for about a year and a half. In that time, my life has only changed for the better. By that I mean, elements of my life that were good before this are still good now. Only the elements I was dissatisfied with have I spent time working on and are very rewarding and satisfying now. See I believe you don't have to comepletely abandon anyone who knew you before in order to change/grow/fix yourself. Sure I've had to eject some negative relationships and so called friendships in that time, but I knew those situations to be negative before this and just didn't have the courage to make the changes. Now I do. Sounds simple, but it took time, effort, courage and help.
I won't begin to profess my status, numbers, body count, or any of that ego driven need for legitimacy that in some sense has a rightful place in the community. I can pull some 9s, but by no means regularly (nor do I want to). I'm dating one such girl right now pseudo-exclusively (we haven't had that talk yet but I know if I told her I was seeing another girl at this point she'd probably get upset). I started gaming lower level girls, got good at just learning how to convey the positives about myself and having confidence in who I am as a social person. From there once I built that foundation, I spent time carving out my identity so that I could convey that as a citical piece to working on how to attract higher calibre women. Dating someone like I am though doesn't get in the way of my gaming. It took some time to figure out how to balance this but really what it's helped is learning qualification techniques because if I'm gonna stop seeing someone, the girl that's making me think this way better be the type of girl I'd be interested in for more than just a night (with some exceptions of course).

I have some more detailed thoughts to share in the following days but I'll end my introduction with a few quick hitting points that I think are worthwhile for new people who may be reading this.
- don't forget that women are people. We may be learning to understand their irrational/illogical emotionally driven way of thinking and acting. And this might not agree with the male analytical/logical/pragmatic point of view. But they are still people just like you and I, so have some care when you're out there.
- don't evel let a woman make you forget that you're a person too. Don't place your self-worth exclusively in the eyes of a woman. Either in a relationship, or in the moment of a sarge or even when getting blown out (it happens sometimes). So many guys, myself included, suffer from AA not from being social, or any negative behavoirs of any sort but rather because we were taught to respect women and we took it to the Nth degree and put them on a pedestal that hurts us both. Us with crippling AA, and them because once you get a girl, she's doomed to never living up to those lofty expectations you had of this magical creature.
- have fun with this and build friendships. Meet some new guys through this and make wings, get to know eachother and build friendships. No, we all won't be BFFs and people do come and go through all this. But if you can't keep a friendship with a guy, how will you manage relationships with women?
- I've gotten as far as I've gotten with the selfless help of a lot of great guys. When you're new, seek out resources to help you learn, and peers to help you push yourselves and grow. But once you know some stuff, don't forget the guy who's coming along right behind you.


Evan said...

Great to hear you're blogging, Patch. I'm looking forward to checking out your blog more as you update it.


Jeff Muzerolle said...

Welcome to blog-world. Your life will never be the same. ;-)